Well, I know someone somewhere in the past said on the forum that DE had said that not every frame will have an Umbra version, though I cant recall that being said nor am I certain that's still on the cards. Sorry mate, I'm not trying to be mean or tell you that it's NOT possible (hell if DE deems it it could be a reality) but I simply DO NOT like the idea. So either add other Umbra variants or make him the only one but don't complicate crap needlessly just for the sake of complicating crap. We dont need that for normal Warframes.Īnd how do you know that "breaking down his body and re-arrainging it" would work? See? That's just speculation on your part the same as everyone one due to how little info we have ont he subject. You could be right or I could be right or some other guy could be right on what works but until we get a CLEAR confirmation from DE it's all speculation that can go either way and honestly I don't like the idea of making Umbra Excalibur into some swiss army knife that can be anything AND also a pain in the arse to switch simply because it's a chore for no reason than being a chore that sounds cool (for some people at least).

Making new Frames is easier, but this process would be made to conserve Umbra's mind while changing his body and powers. What would happen here is breaking down and re-arranging the Body of Umbra and transfering his mind to it once completed.Īnd see my point above. How do we build Warframes exactly? We grab a bunch of Infested crap, Orokin cells and a few other things, use the squematrcs to make the shell, the Neural network, the systems and let the Foundry (or Helminth, probably) do his work. Personally, though, I'd rather lean towards the latter, because Umbra to me comes across as this pristine opportunity to tell more stories from the Orokin era, while allowing us to establish an even deeper connection to the frames we already know and love (which seems to be one of the main next steps DE seems to be moving towards, as we wean off the Lotus and have our avatars finally come of age). In this respect, allowing players to either modify Excal Umbra to take on the form of other frames, or awaken their current frames and unlock their past memories and personality, could allow for this. I'm unsure of the HP/Shields/Armor/Energy pool should stay the same and only the abilities change.Īssuming DE releases more Umbras, my one request is that they do not release them as new frames: Excal Umbra I think was acceptable, as Excal Prime is inaccessible to newer players, but for every other frame players have built with the intention of using in the long term, releasing some more powerful version thereafter, no matter how marginal that added power is, will invalidate that commitment, and put players off of dedicating themselves to Primes if there's just gonna be a Primed Prime variant some time later. Hey, body and power changes, your actions have consequences. Make the ability for Helminth to do so DIFFICULT, we wouldnt want to change the body of Umbra every minute now would we? Like Kubrow eggs, the component for the modification, you can only have 1 at a time and its a rare item. Also I dont think Umbra would care for a change of body, all things considered. Have Helminth modify Umbra's body to another Warframe type you want "Umbrafied", you can have the models of the Warframes you want as an Umbra, but no need to make a story about them since all of them will be the same person. Here's my idea to keep Umbra UNIQUE and add more varitations of Umbra Warframes: Such thing meant that there is NO way there are other Umbra Warframes, Ballas calls him "Umbra", not "Excalibur Umbra", he is the only Umbra Warframe. they were supposed to be unique in the reguard of their sentience.īut with the Sacrifice, we see Buttcrack (formely Ballas) use a SPECIALL method for the creation of Umbra: a transference bolt that allows him to keep his last memory before becoming a Warframe. Ok, this thread is going more for Steve and Scott.